Thursday, July 10, 2008

NYC Schools

The article in The New York Times about the response from teacher, students, and parents from a Department of Education Survey was a bit surprising to me. The results came out better then last years, more students felt safe in their schools. Parents thought highly of their children's teachers. Many people were shocked by its results and how many people actually responded. I was shocked also, I thought I was the only person who cared to do the survey. I remember taking every question seriously, Now I see everyone else did too. I do agree with the students about feeling safe in school.Our Schools are so much safer then before. We have better security guards and school safety police.

Our parents believe we are being taught by good teachers. Well it's the truth! Our teachers care about our well being, they find many ways to try and help us get ahead in school.
I believe my school gives me all the help I could need, saftey, good teachers ,great lessons, and just an all around good environment for me to learn. Yes many school need a few improvements but all in all NYC Schools have gotten better!


chris J said...

so you done with this huh? see you on myspace later ^_^ aka not doing work lol

chris peters said...

i agree i learned this during the mock trial event it helped me to see how the teachers show there importance in our lives and how true friends act when put to work on a task 0.0

chris J said...

WHY !!!! WHY !!!!! i don't like school ! DOWN WITH SCHOOL (MON-THURS)!

Garnett said...

I agree with you alot on your point of view on schools in NYC. NYC is the best

Garnett said...

Im down for 4 hours a day of class